12 fundamental values ​​in Thailand from which France should be inspired

En effet, children in Thai schools must learn and respect these values; which leads to a much better behavior than that which more and more students allow themselves in France.
Sans doute, some of these values ​​cannot be applied in France since there is no monarchy, but know how to respect the other, professors, customs and everything that made a country should be taught from an early age.
By memorizing these values ​​and reciting them every day when they arrive in class, it leads to much better behavior in life and much more pleasant relationships.

L’éducation devrait avant tout être pour que chacun puisse s’épanouir dans le milieu dans lequel il est. C’est avant tout dans le respect de certaines valeurs et des autres que cela peut se faire.
Malheureusement, ce qui est appelé “Éducation nationale” en France est plutôt une forme de conditionnement national qui ne va pas dans ce sens. Pourtant avoir une tête bien faite me semble préférable qu’une tête trop pleine de notions inutiles.
Il est vrai que l’on demande aux professeurs en France d’avoir beaucoup de connaissances mais jamais de savoir enseigner ni de savoir se faire respecter. D’ailleurs comme il leur est interdit de sévir et encore plus de punir, ils ont peu de moyen à leur disposition.
Voici donc les 12 valeurs fondamentales en Thaïlande qu’un président ou un ministre courageux français devrait prendre en exemple pour l’imposer dès le plus jeune âge à l’école.
1- L’amour pour la nation, la religion et la monarchie.
2- L’honnêteté, la patience et une bonne attention pour autrui.
3- La gratitude envers les parents, les tuteurs et les enseignants.
4- La persévérance dans l’apprentissage.
5- La conservation de la culture thaïlandaise.
6- La moralité et le sens du partage.
7- La compréhension correcte de la démocratie avec à sa tête la monarchie.
8- La discipline et le respect pour la loi et les aînés.
9- The skills to think and do things as directed by His Majesty the King.
10- Life in economic and philosophical sufficiency guided by His Majesty the King.
11- Physical and mental strength in the face of greed.
12- Attention for others and for the national good more than for oneself.

Even if the French rulers do not, nothing prevents parents from creating a list of values ​​for the good of their children and life in society.

See the article

Scams in Thailand & conseils divers

Scams are not a Thai phenomenon and I think there are a lot of warnings on the internet. It is quite entertaining to read about and avoid being cheated.
I know two people from getting scammed, I decided to write about it that can really serve you.
If you come to Thailand, do not spoil your stay stupidly by lack of attention.
La première personne que je connais s’est faite arnaquer de 450 € by Orange for turning on his phone one day :
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The demonstrations in Bangkok : Shame on all French journos.

I write this because I am so shocked to read reports of most French newspapers on what happens in Bangkok, it does not reflect what is experienced here.
They probably want to sensationalize things so they write anything. They refer to the exception to derive a general rule. One has the impression that they embroider on writing gives a recess without inquiring or come on site to see what is happening.

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Having a lot of pictures since I'm here and having discovered another way of looking at life, I decided to create a blog to benefit others.

So here I am to experiment with wordpress which seems good, but I'll modify it to make my sauce.
All this instead of going to enjoy the pool!

Is it reasonable?

Sa wat au sainteté Keishu Just Paknam à Bangkok.

Sa wat au sainteté Keishu Just Paknam à Bangkok.

The 23 December 2012 sa sainteté Keishu Same, Shinso Ito, comes to Bangkok for the inauguration of the chedi of Wat Paknam.

You will see some photos of Wat Paknam and chedi which was still under construction when I went there a month ago.
Then a few more photos of the foundation ” Shinnyo en ” Bangkok
Then pictures of His Holiness Keishu Sama during his visit to Paris.

see some pictures of Wat Paknam – Shinnyo en – Keisha Sama

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